Corporate Workshop
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Would you like your employees to have:
If yes, you need to train your employees on the elements of BI (Business Image) viz. ECG. ECG stands for Etiquette, Communication, Grooming. When members of the public deal with the employees of your organization, they get a feel of your organization’s BI (Business Image). Members of the public understand what will be delivered to them, what they should expect from the organization, what the organization’s growth is, and most importantly, they understand if the organization can be trusted or not. The employee’s BI (Business Image) affects the organization’s BI (Business Image) and vice-versa. Our workshops have proven to have an empowering effect on participant performance, positively affecting the bottom line.
In today’s day and age, Presentation Skills are a must. Presentations Skills are about how you present your ideas to an audience, how you get them engaged, how you convince them to take action. Wait! There’s more! Beyond this, Presentation Skills is about clarity in thinking, organization, and time management. None of us are born with it. We can all learn it by training, experience, and observation.
Duration : 6 hours
Learning Outcomes :
i) How to develop presentations
ii) Time management
iii Managing obstacles
iv) Handling questions
v) Fear management
vi) How to sell through presentations
To book a Presentation Skills workshop for your team click here.
Why do we need to learn Dining Etiquette? Silently, without saying a word, Dining Etiquette shouts out loud your ability to respect and handle people and circumstances; cleanliness, hygiene, and organization; and people management. No one’s born with the knowledge of Dining Etiquette. No one’s born with the knowledge of how to handle cutlery, eat gracefully, handle glassware with élan, and the like. It’s a skill that can be learned. Right training makes it a lifetime learning on handling food, drinks, and people.
Duration : 4.5 hours.
Learning Outcomes :
i) What to do and not do at the dining table
ii) Principles of handling food
iii) Navigate different food courses
iv) Proper use of utensils and cutlery
v) Navigate seating as per your role – host, guest, guest of honour
vi) Ordering and consumption of drinks
Would you like a Dining Etiquette workshop? click here.
The written word carries its value worth in gold. Written communication makes all matters clear. It reduces ambiguity, gives a clear direction to the reader on the action to be taken. It serves as records and references for the future. Written communication also holds true in the court of law. To have functions running smoothly, it’s worth the while to invest in written communication.
Duration : 4.5 hours
Learning Outcomes :
i) Understanding the purpose
ii) Understanding the audience
iii) Defining the action to be taken
iv) Inclusions and exclusions
v) Editing
vi) Email features
To book a Business Communication workshop for your team click here.
The manner in which your employees present themselves at the workplace speaks about how well the organization’s doing. Employees’ self-presentation matters to customers, vendors, shareholders, media, investors, internal teams and all those associated with the organization internally and externally. Employees’ self-presentation has an impact on the employees themselves too. Along with that, it also influences organization culture. The right Business Grooming helps employees, and the organization at large, gain more respect. Business Grooming for the workplace is a simple equation of various permutations and combinations of five components. We help your employees decode this equation. So your employees are groomed for business.
Duration : 6 hours.
Learning Outcomes :
i) The role of self-presentation in business
ii) Understanding outfits as per roles, goals, and occasions
iii) 5 elements of business outfits
iv) How to choose the right clothes, accessories and footwear
v) Business Formals & Business Casuals
vi) Style Scale
vii) Business colours and social colours
viii) Matching accessories and footwear to clothes
ix) Professional Grooming essentials
To book a Business Grooming training for your team click here.
If you’re in HR, you will know how difficult it is to get employees to follow the dress code policy. If you’re a member of an organization, you don’t understand why does the organization have a dress code policy?.. Drafting the dress code policy is one thing. Getting employees to follow it, another.
We help you get employees to follow the dress code policy. Employee empathy + a HR background is a fool-proof plan to get everyone to follow the dress code policy.
To book Implementation of Employee Dress Code policy click here.
Business Etiquette is one of the surest ways to build Trust. Business Etiquette is made up of 3 pillars –
(i) Respect for people
(ii) Respect for processes and resources
(iii) Respect for time.
When you train your team in Business Etiquette, every team member absorbs and practices respect.Respects leads to Trust. Continuous practice of respect solidifies Trust. A trusted workplace is a loved workplace. Employees love coming to work when they know they’re respected and trusted.
Duration : 4.5 hours
Learning Outcomes :
i) How to conduct oneself in a team
ii) Use of words and actions that demonstrate professionalism
iii) How to handle office resources
iv) How to treat clients and visitors in our office
v) Management of the work desk
vi) How to conduct oneself during company-sponsored events
Would you like a Business Etiquette workshop? click here.
Whether it is giving a briefing to your team, or welcoming your Managing Director, or detailing your products and services to your customers, you need Public Speaking everywhere. Good Public Speaking skills help your team members cast positive impressions about the organization. It boosts their self-confidence. We help you with a Magic Formula that helps you draft memorable speeches in minutes. Good Public Speakers aren’t born, they’re made. Research, drafting, practice, all go into making a good Public Speaker. Duration : 6-9 hours depending on the group size.
Learning Outcomes :
i) How to create mesmerizing speeches
ii) Non-verbal communication during speeches
iii) Time management
iv) Handling questions from audiences
v) Practical learning
To book a Public Speaking workshop for your team click here.
Today, an organization’s first impression is on social media. It speaks organizational proficiency, builds the brand, positions the organization as a captivating place to work, builds employer brand, influences and increases marketing sales, opens doors to customer interactions, and much more. Social media training includes what to post and what not to post on social media, responsibility-allocation of social media, training on the social media policy.
Duration : 4.5 hours.
Learning Outcomes :
i) What to share and what not to share on social media
ii) Whom to tag and whom not to tag on social media
iii) Organizational growth on social media
To book a Social Media training for your team click here.
International travel for business is a reality for most businesses. International travel training helps you better navigate circumstances, people, and eventualities. It helps you acclimatize, network, and build bonds. It lowers communication barriers and builds Trust. International Travel Training helps in closing overseas business deals, building relationships and demonstrating respect for the local culture.
Duration : 4.5 hours.
Learning Outcomes :
i) Decoding culture – words, body language, greetings, festivals, events, celebrations, dress codes, religious customs, gender differentiation
ii) Managing time zones
iii) Workplace culture – team management across boundaries, managing employees from different soils
To book an International Travel training for your team click here.
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