Personal Consulting

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Beyond competence and numbers, business is all about Trust.
You must’ve heard multiple times : Trust takes many years to build, once broken it’s difficult to mend Trust, it’s very difficult to build Trust, etc…


However, do you know where does Trust begin?
TRUST begins with your BI (Business Image).
When you develop your BI (Business Image), you develop Trust with your customers, bankers, stakeholders, employees, networks, suppliers, family, friends, and the public at large.
Building your BI (Business Image) is a matter of carefully chosen elements to achieve your goals.
These elements are your ECG (Etiquette, Communication, Grooming). Not everyone needs every element in the same proportion. Each person’s needs for different elements are different.
As you deploy these elements to develop your BI (Business Image), you and others around you can see your authenticity shine. You now have more people liking you, more people buying from you, most importantly, more people TRUSTING you.

According to the IoD, as a board member, our purpose “is to ensure the company’s prosperity by collectively directing the company’s affairs while meeting the appropriate interests of its shareholders and relevant stakeholders”. Achieving these objectives comes with its share of challenges. When those in the boardroom along with you, trust you for your ingenuity, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, and the like, work is a cakewalk. We’re sure you know, competence here is a given. To be a successful Director, you need the support and the co-operation of your team. More than that, you need their Trust. If they trust you, they’ll help you go higher. Your Personal Style helps you occupy the costly mind space with your team, leading you to win their hearts and minds.
Would you like to develop your Personal Style? Connect with us. 

Now that you’re sabbatical is over, and you’re ready to enter the workforce, looking for a new job comes with its own set of challenges. Self-doubt lingers and confidence is low. You may fear being criticized. You may be doubtful about how others would perceive and treat you. Failures may start bothering you. How would it be if someone could help you gain your confidence all over again in such a scenario? Come over to us! We help you polish your ECG (Etiquette, Communication, Grooming) so you’re ready to take on the next set of work-life.
Are you looking for a BI (Business Image) makeover? Connect with us. 

As a corporate leader, it’s your responsibility to run the show. Competence, number-crunching, and emotional intelligence are a given for you. To be a successful leader, you need the support and cooperation of your team. More than that, you need their Trust. If they trust you, they’ll help you go higher. Your Personal Style helps you occupy the costly mind space with your team, leading you to win their hearts and minds.
Would you like to develop your Personal Style? Connect with us. 

If you’re a sales professional in the service sector, you know, you can sell anything to your customer only when your customer trusts you. Trust isn’t easy. It takes days, and sometimes even years to build Trust. Having built Trust, it’s so fragile, it can break with a breeze. What if you had a formula that could build Trust right the moment your customer saw you? That’s BI (Business Image) for you. Your BI (Business Image) tells your customer whether they can Trust you, how much they can Trust you. A well-developed BI (Business Image) gets your customer to Trust you strong and long.
Would you like a BI (Business Image) makeover? Connect with us. 

If you’re a Financial Advisor, your clients are trusting you with their money. They hand over their money to you with the expectation that you will give them a decent return. You do give them a decent return. Along with that, you also educate your clients on investments, insurance, budgeting, savings, tax, so on and so forth. You have a relationship with the client that allows them to share sensitive information with you. Do you know what’s at the base of all the transactions, education, and relationships? It’s TRUST. If your clients and prospects TRUST you, they will follow your advice and hand over their money to you. How do you build Trust? Through your Personal Style.
Would you like to develop your Personal Style? Connect with us. 

According to Forbes, it takes seven seconds, sometimes even one-tenth of a second to make an impression on the people you meet. (Read the full article here : If people Trust you, they do business with you. If you aren’t able to build Trust, no transaction takes place. When professional success is on your mind, no Trust isn’t an option you want to consider. What’s your first step to building Trust? Develop your BI (Business Image).
Are you looking for a BI (Business Image) makeover? Connect with us. 

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